Soul Sitting

I hope you have taken a few Soul Strolls this summer. Today, I want to offer you another way to connect with your soul on a hot, tired, or less active day. But first, let’s explore what we are connecting to when we connect to our soul.

How would you describe your soul?

In the online class that I lead, these were some of the words of the participants: Center, inner spirit, true self, authentically me, my core, part of me that no one sees, eternal, compass, spiritual energy, light inside, unashamed, where I hear God, inner guide, wide open space, the part of me closest to God, laughter, dance, connection, lightness, creativity, music, tears, a deep knowing.

How does it feel when you are connected to your soul?

Here are some of the responses shared to that question: a peace that surpasses all understanding, surrender, noticing, paying attention, the feeling of ‘oh there it is’, I realize it was there all along, oh I'm here, hope, flow, God is with me, anything is possible, watching opening, chills, tears, expect to see something now that I’m tuned in, a buzz of happiness, it feels like the end of a deep exhale.

Those beautiful words from the women in that class might give you the inspiration to find your own way of describing your soul. Give yourself the gift this week of naming what your soul means to you.

Soul Sitting is about noticing the soul of things around you and being reminded of your soul’s connection to everything that exists.

Begin with noticing the living things you see. Plants, animals, people. From where you sit, what do you notice?

If you are in nature or can see it through a window, consider that the center of a flower is the soul of that flower. Notice the flower’s petals as you have never seen them before. See how the stems lean toward the sun. Notice colors, buds, and stages of blooming. Consider the bark on the trees and how many storms that bark has weathered. Consider that the trunk of the tree is rough on the outside and soft on the inside. Notice the scars that have stories. In leaves, appreciate the intricacies of the veining. See individual blades of grass form a lawn by each making their own contribution. Imagine the roots of the plants you see going into the ground to provide stability and nourishment. Take it all in with fresh eyes of awe and wonder.

As you spend time sitting with your soul, ask Nature: What would you have me know today?

Pause and listen.

As you close your Soul Sitting practice, notice is you feel more at ease, peaceful, or connected. Notice, with gratitude, the miracles all around you. I believe God created it all and that Nature is our greatest teacher. The trees, flowers, oceans, mountains, and grasslands can teach us more than any human can offer. Listen.

Your soul, the essence of who you are, is connected to all forms of life. Spend some time this week remembering and reflecting. Take a deep breath and just be. That is enough.

With love from my soul to yours,