Base Camps

Climbing a mountain is often used as a metaphor for reaching a goal, but I don’t think we talk enough about base camps along the climb. If we were going to climb a literal mountain, we would have to stop at base camps along the way to rest, acclimate, get used to the new altitude, and review our plans for reaching the summit.

If change is occurring in your life and it feels like you are climbing a difficult mountain, base camps are a critically important part of your journey.

I had a client who recently said, “I thought I was learning to love myself, but I just fell back down into my self-sabotaging behavior again.” I drew a mountain on the white board in my office and said, “you aren’t at the bottom of the mountain because you realize you are repeating a pattern of self-sabotage. You just need to spend some time at the half-way-base-camp getting used to this new way of being. This is like learning a new language, learning to be kind to yourself takes time and practice. Let yourself pause here and refresh on the basics, then you will be able to climb even higher.”

Usually when we think we are failing, we just need to stop along the climb at a base camp and get used to the new air we are breathing.

Too much change at once makes our brains feel unsafe. To help our brains feel safe to make a change, do a little, rest, then do a little more. Our brain feels safer when change occurs in small increments. When our brain feels safe, it lessens the resistance to change.

If you get unexpected news, give yourself time to soak in the news before taking action. If you are in a time of grief, give yourself time to rest and reflect on the loss rather than running away from it. If you long for change in your life, take a baby step and let that settle in before taking the next step. Give yourself time to adjust to something new before you add in another new thing.

The climb will be successful if you take care of yourself along the way. Pausing at base camp is not weakness, it is required.

This week, notice where you might be in need of a pause.

Stay there a while.

You will know when you are ready to climb again.

Sending love to you on your journey,