
The new year can bring up a variety of feelings. For some, the prior year was a good one and they worry about what the next year may bring. For some, they are ready to leave the year behind in hopes of a better one. 

It may help to remember that the new year buzz is just a mental phenomenon. Time is a human construct to help us mark our days. The new year media messages can be inspiring to start anew, but if it causes you stress or sadness then remember that the only thing you need to focus on is the moment you are in right now. 

From Eckhart Tolle, I learned of the difference between psychological time and actual time. Actual time is simply now. He teaches that the only true time is now. Everything else is psychological time - our thinking about time, not actual time. When I remember this psychological concept of time, I find it helps me melt into the present moment. 

This moment is where you have power. Everything else is just a thought about the past or the future.

I like to think a lot and thinking makes me feel safer and in control, but it often keeps me from experiencing life. In trying to think through the future, I miss the present moment. 

Have you had that feeling like time stopped because you were truly in the present moment? We can bend time when we are truly present - that’s why Tolle teaches on the power of now. 

Living happens now, all else is just thought. The future is just our imaginations and the past is just our memories. 

We give the past and future so much power and time in our minds, but the actual power lies in the life we experience right now.

Tolle teaches us that “all negativity is caused by an accumulation of psychological time and denial of the present. Unease, anxiety, tension, stress, worry - all forms of fear - are caused by too much future, and not enough presence. Guilt, regret, resentment, grievances, sadness, bitterness, and all forms of non-forgiveness are caused by too much past, and not enough presence.” You may need to read that again, I usually have to read Tolle’s words multiple times before it sinks in. That’s a big list of things we can avoid by choosing to keep our brains in the present moment. 

Of course we have to plan and think ahead in life, but if we can be intentional about when we are in planning mode and when we are in being-present mode, we begin to find more ease and less worry.

It takes practice, but begin today by noticing when your brain drifts to thoughts of the past or thoughts of the future. Much like you would train a puppy, say “now” to yourself every time you drift away from the moment at hand. 

Think about keeping your mind where your body is - often my mind is years ahead or years ago, but my body is in the only thing in the now. “Be where your feet are” is a common tip from sports psychologists in helping athletes keep their heads in the game. Find a phrase in your own words that will help you be more aware of the present moment and practice it this week. 

Take some pressure off of yourself in the 2023 reflections and the 2024 planning, just be right here right now. Breathe deep, notice miracles around you, taste the food, feel the sensations, listen to the person, look at the sky, soak up the sun, be where your feet are. 

Life is right here in front of us in this moment, let’s not miss it. 

I’m glad we get to journey into 2024 together,