Higher Help

Do you feel like there is a phenomenon in your life of “out of sight, out of mind?” In our busy existences, often what is right in front of us gets our attention, and things “out of sight” fall off of our radar.

Something unseen, but important to remember, is the abundant amount of higher help available to us.

Some of the higher help available to you you might include: God, loved ones in heaven, guardian angels, spirits, saints, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Buddha, poets, songwriters, ancestors, artists. These are all resources that bring inspiration, guidance, wisdom, and love from somewhere beyond what we can see. It feels like it comes from above or outside ourselves. We can sense the sage wisdom being sent to us, but we can’t see the source.

Consider what higher help feels most accessible to you. For some of us, God seems close, but for others God might feel far away or too big to bother with our daily needs. If God feels too far away right now, try connecting to something spiritual in a different way. Maybe you could consider asking a deceased grandparent to send you signs. Or, try a meditation to connect to your guardian angel.

Lorna Byrne teaches that God gifts each of us a guardian angel to help us during our human journey. Your guardian angel is fully yours and is a gift of unconditional love that is here to help you, but won’t intervene unless asked to. If you grew up Catholic, you are likely more familiar with this idea. It is is new to me, but I’m growing to love getting to know my guardian angel. The idea of everyone having a helpful guardian angel assigned to them can help us feel less alone in the world. Lorna teaches that as we die, our guardian angel is with us to show us the way to heaven. It is comforting to think of our dying loved ones being guided and comforted by an angel along the way. What if we actually do have a partner to help us and guide us every step of the way?

What if you don’t have to figure out everything on your own?

What if there is a realm beyond what we can see that has the answers we seek? Could you open your mind and heart to that just a bit and see what you notice?

Try talking to someone you cannot see. It might feel awkward at first, but maybe this is exactly the resource you’ve been longing for. Ask for inspiration. Ask for guidance. Ask for assistance. Ask for help.

Higher help is available if you are open to it.

The earliest records of human history indicate interactions with the unseen. We may all use different labels to describe it, but the idea that there is something higher is consistent. Call it whatever feels right to you. But, don’t miss the opportunity to embrace something beyond.

Start with rambling words if you have to: I don’t know what I’m doing, or who I’m talking to, but I want to connect to something bigger than me, I’m opening to the possibility, help me learn how this works, I’m willing to start paying attention…

I’m experimenting with it too. So far, it feels like peace, love, and new friends above. Let me know what you experience.

We are spiritual souls learning how to be human,