No agenda but love
/I gave a talk last week and ended the message with a practice I love to call “no agenda but love.” It led to some beautiful conversations after the talk. Then yesterday, as I was thinking about what to write for you this week, I realized I’ve never shared this one with you, my friends and readers.
What might life be like if you had no agenda but love? How would you walk into rooms if you had no agenda but love? How would you carry a conversation if you had no agenda but love? How would you approach your day if there was no agenda but love?
This can be a profound practice to see things transform in your life.
We all have so many agendas running through our brains. We want to be liked. We want to be successful. We want to win. We want recognition. We want money. We want time. We want to be picked. We want to be first. We want to be popular. We want to be the best.
Those are normal human wants. Our ego feels safer when we are better than others, so it does its job to keep us chasing success and wins. But, our souls are longing for us to see things a different way. Our souls are calling to us to love and operate from love.
This practice helps us remember the voice of our soul and shift out of our ego mode.
This practice can bring a sense of liberation and freedom. You can feel it immediately shift inside when you consider life with no agenda but love.
Here are some ways you can experiment with it this week:
No agenda but love for yourself:
look in the mirror with no agenda but love; love the eyes you see, the smile you see, the reflection you see without noticing what is wrong or changing with age
notice your body with no agenda but love; appreciate how your body helps you live the life you want to live, treasure it instead of critiquing it
reflect upon your day with no agenda but love; avoid keeping score of what you accomplished, instead see the day with love and gratitude of what and whom you encountered
see your home with no agenda but love; don’t look for what is in need of repair or what is wrong, love it just as it is
No agenda but love for others:
look at your spouse or partner with no agenda but love; drop the baggage, the annoyances, just for a bit and see them through eyes of love
think of a difficult family member, what would it be like to enter into time with that person with no agenda but love?
approach people of differing views, religions, and experiences with no agenda but love
release judgement of others and observe people with no agenda but love
No agenda but love with God:
approach God with no agenda but love; resist asking for things, just sit in the presence of God’s love
approach scripture or sacred texts with no agenda but love; you don’t need to memorize or analyze, just allow it to connect you to a loving higher power
see nature and all of creation with no agenda but love; be in awe of miracles and in love with the opportunity to be alive
Try approaching your activities this week with no agenda but love and see what divine things begin to unfold for you and for those around you.
Love and more love,