Everyday Hero

As we watch global and national tragedies occur, many of us are asking ourselves "What is mine to do?" or "What can I do to help?"

As we consider where we feel nudges and callings, I thought this might be a good week to share about Joseph Campbell's Hero's Journey. His research on callings has helped me find more life purpose and it might help you find your path forward too.

In 1949, Campbell published The Hero with A Thousand Faces which was his famous work about the behavioral patterns he noticed in the heroes of epic films and literature.

Campbell found a pattern in all epic hero characters: They are enjoying everyday life, then out of nowhere get a spiritual calling to a new adventure. They refuse the call but something happens that makes them change their mind. Then a mentor shows up, often a God-like figure with wisdom they need to hear. After saying yes to the adventure, they feel more alive and purposeful than they did in everyday life. But, they quickly encounter a road of trials that makes them want to quit and give up. Resources come along just in time and they decide to not abandon their journey. The trials they face are strengthening them for the battles ahead, but often the character cannot see the bigger picture. They face the ultimate battle and "slay the dragon to save the people." After that, they are heralded as a hero. They notice their own growth as they reflect on their experience and they become the character with sage wisdom who guides others toward their callings. Campbell found this pattern repeated again and again throughout the literature.

Today, we can see this same pattern in Star Wars, Harry Potter, The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings, and many other great epic stories we love. We cheer on the characters who embark on the hero's journey. We see their growth in character and strengthening of spirit as we watch them go up against the enemy. We see themes of light pushing back darkness. The heroes are called to bring peace, compassion, and wisdom to the world.

We will never feel ready or fully equipped for our callings. A calling serves others and grows us at the same time. We will always doubt our abilities, timing, credentials, power, and resources, that is part of a calling. If we say yes, we help others and uplevel ourselves at the same time.

As I have conversations with people, I see patterns in our "everyday hero" journeys. We may not be the ones to slay the dragon, but we are certainly called to make a contribution in our own unique way. Each and every one of us will hear callings throughout life. The diagram below represents the language that is common to us as we do our part to make the world a more compassionate place.

What have you been called to do? Are you feeling a stir? Is there something that feels like you are being chosen to make a difference? Are you meant to take action for such a time as this?

If you feel the stir, it is yours to do. We are each being called to different points of action. What is coming to you is your assignment. That thing you have been enraged about, the thing that breaks your heart, the issue that you can't stop thinking about, the ideas you have for a solution...those are divine inspirations that are signs of a calling. Go with it. Explore it. Take a small step today.

Life has more meaning and purpose when we say yes to those nudges and callings. Listen. It is yours to do.

Take some compassionate action today.

Sending you love in action,