Like-Hearted People

We often hear of being “like-minded” with others, but in a nation where we are divided on a lot of topics I think it might be helpful to think about finding “like-hearted” people.

Think about the people who are kind like you are. Consider those with whom you share a passion. Think about the people who are excited about the same things you are. Consider those who love things like you do.

Think about the compassionate people you know who have hearts like you do.

When we know we share like-hearts, we can hold space for disagreement. We can look beyond our opinions and see the love we carry inside.

We don’t have to think alike, as long as we love alike.

The last few months, I have been working to build a team of coaches that will help me meet the high demand for life coaching. As I was in conversations with candidates, I was looking for like-hearted people. I wanted to find coaches who will love our clients like I do, take a compassionate approach to giving advice, and create a judgement free space for our clients. I knew they were all teachable and could learn my methodology, but it was important to me to find the right hearts. I found three. And you can find out more about them here. If you know anyone who would like someone to talk to, these women are amazing.

My office is now filled with new energy from these beautiful hearts serving people in beautiful ways. I have learned that like-hearted is more important than like-minded. I welcome their different perspectives, life experiences, and skills. We all bring different gifts into our coaching sessions. What matters is that our hearts are aligned.

As you encounter people this week, notice who feels like-hearted to you.

Those are your people. It has been said, “we are who we spend time with.” Surrounding yourself with big hearted people helps us grow our hearts even bigger.

Love begets love.

Welcome to my new coaching team! We are ready to meet you in person in KC or from your home via Zoom. Let us help you find joy in being human.

Sending you love,