A Sense of Agency

The word “agency” in psychology refers to our ability to make individual choices. A sense of agency means that we each remember ‘I can make my own decisions and take action to influence my own life.’ We each have personal power to design our lives and make our own choices. But, it is amazing how easily forgotten this becomes when we feel a lack of control or victimized.

The opposite of a sense of agency is feeling like a victim.

The more we remember that we have options and can make our own choices, the more freedom we feel. When we feel we don’t have options, we feel trapped and stuck. The truth is…

You always have options.

You have agency. You can always choose your actions, thoughts, words, behaviors, next moves, etc.

Here are some examples that might help to illustrate this concept:

Someone who feels helpless or stuck might say in a victim tone, “I' can’t…” but since we have agency, “I can’t…” means:

  • i won’t…

  • I’ve decided not to…

  • I choose not to…

Someone who feels trapped in an obligation might say, “I have to…” but since we get to make our own choices, we are saying:

  • I choose to….

  • I will…

  • I’ve decided to….

  • I want to…

Someone who feels they don’t have enough time might say, “I don’t have time to…” but what we know is really true is:

  • I choose not to give my time to…

  • This is not a priority for me…

  • I’m choosing to spend time on…

The point of agency is to remember that you have it.

Most of us reading this are free to make our own choices. We can decide what we spend our time on, what we say yes/no to and how we live our days.

When we forget we have agency, we have higher levels of anxiety, depression, and hopelessness.

You have at least three options on any given topic - move forward, move backward, or don’t move at all. You get to decide. You are in the driver’s seat of your life.

When you feel stuck, helpless, hopeless, or overwhelmed see if you can make a list of your options.

Just seeing that you have options brings a sense of relief, peace, and renewed energy. You are not trapped. You have agency.

You get to make the choice,