Something Scary

I want you to challenge yourself that in the next six months, you will do one thing that scares you. Take a deep breath and think about what that might be.

What comes to mind? Or are you about to close this email and delete it forever?! Stick with me. 

We are on this planet for such a small blip in time, yet we live most of it afraid to take risks.

It is as if we think what we do will matter forever and we don’t want to make a fool of ourselves, ruin our legacy, or be known as a failure. 

Here is a sobering reality: Most of us will only be known by name or referred to in a story for the next two or three generations. Think about it, do you know the names and stories of your great-grandparents? What about the generation before them? Anyone beyond that? It is rare if you do. And even if we are remembered for a few generations, it is a handful of people that will know of us. So why are we living in fear of making changes, pursuing dreams, or having tough conversations?

We are alive for such a short blip in time, let’s max out on all of the experiences while we can. Joy, loss, failure, success, tragedy, and triumph. We get to experience all of it. Experiencing these things is the fullness of the human experience.

After this time on Earth, I believe there is bliss ahead for all of us - peace and love eternal - so why not challenge yourself a little more while we are here? 

I used to want to avoid all things painful, sad, or scary. Then I realized I was living a really small life. I remember watching the Hobbit movie with my son and it really resonated with me when the hobbit had a choice to stay in his cute little hobbit house with his cup of tea or go on a grand adventure of a lifetime. At first he chooses the safe life with his cup of tea. But then he wonders what might be out there for him beyond safety. And I won’t ruin it for you, but he goes on an epic adventure, comes alive, and finds connection in ways he couldn’t have imagined. 

Playing it safe gets boring. Life is too short to live bored. 

Your amygdala is likely arguing with this idea. That is the part of the brain whose full time job is to keep you safe from harm. It wants you to delete this email right now. But there is another part of you that wants to keep reading. There is a part of you longing for a bigger experience. 

This challenge I’m asking of you, I did it a few years ago. My scary thing was to start sharing my ideas by writing emails. Then the next scary thing was to put them into a book. Then the next scary thing was to host a book signing party and ask you to celebrate with me.

Sending those first emails was scary. What if you already knew everything I had to say? What if everyone unsubscribed? What if I was wrong in my thinking? What if someone argued with me? What if you already get a million emails and you don’t want another one? What if I’m good at it and you like them and I can never quit? What if I commit to you and then let you down? What if I’m not a good writer? What if no one cares?

All of those things ran through my brain often at start. But I did it anyway. And over time, those fearful thoughts dissipated and I started loving the creative process. I started imagining you reading them and loving that maybe something was resonating to make life a little easier for you. 

Some of you said, “will you ever write a book?” And my soul loved that because I have always dreamt of writing a book someday. So I turned those emails into a book. It took much longer than I expected it to and I almost quit a thousand times. But it felt so good when it was published.

That good feeling lasted a few days, then fear crept back in because I was being encouraged to do a signing party. I wasn’t sure why this felt so scary to my amygdala, but it did. Truly my biggest fear was: What if no one shows up? That may sound ridiculous now because I signed books continuously for over three hours that night, but the fear beforehand was real. That night, I learned to let myself be loved and celebrated - and it was scary and glorious at the same time. 

Do something that scares you.

It isn’t easy, but it is worth the fear. Find the courage. Do the thing. You’ll feel more alive, gain more self-trust, and you will build your courage muscles. 

What is it going to be? I would love to hear about it! 

More love, less fear,