Looking Forward

What is something you are looking forward to?

It is known in the mental health industry that when a person can name something they are looking forward to it triggers an increase in neurotransmitters that lead to feelings of optimism, hope, positivity, and a general uptick in wellbeing.

Bringing to mind something you are looking forward to is a mood booster. 

This doesn’t mean wishing away the present moment and wanting to rush to the next thing. But it does mean that if you are in a funk or feeling down, see if you can think of something to look forward to. Likely you will notice a glimmer of joy as you think about that upcoming moment. 

When the future is uncertain (as it always is, but it feels a little more so right now), it can help to find something in your personal life to look forward to. This helps give you a dose of hope and levity when the world seems heavy. 

Start practicing bringing to mind something to look forward to. It could be when you wake up in the morning and you think about things to look forward to in your day. It could be something a few weeks out. Or maybe it is something happening months away. The positive neurotransmitters are released when you bring that thing to mind, it doesn’t matter how close or far away it is in timing. Just thinking about it helps. 

Spend some time this week reminding yourself of things to look forward to. Make a list in your phone or next to your bed. When your brain feels burdened, switch to thinking about things you are looking forward to.

A large part of the fun of something is the anticipation of it. 

There is always something to look forward to. From an afternoon ice cream cone to an event with a friend to a meaningful conversation with a loved one. Find something that makes you smile when you think about it. 

What are you looking forward to next?

Good stuff ahead,