Worry as an Invitation

I worry a lot. I bet you do too. Worrying is not usually an enjoyable activity. There is a cool thing about worry though, it invites us deeper into a conversation with ourselves.

Our worries help us know more about ourselves if we take the opportunity to see the invitation.

Worry invites you into noticing:

  • Who you love.

  • What you care about.

  • Where you want to grow.

  • How you want to do things.

You worry about the people you love. You worry about what is most important to you. You worry about areas that require you to step up and grow. You worry about doing things well.

Next time you hear a worried thought pass through that beautiful brain of yours, see if you can pause and go a little deeper. What does this worry have to teach me about myself? Is this worry a messenger of something bigger happening within me?

Maybe your worry is an invitation into surrendering or releasing the need for control. Maybe your worry is inviting you into an opportunity to uplevel your life. Maybe it is a messenger of limiting beliefs you have about yourself that need to be released.

Here are some examples from my client conversations:

  • Worry. ~ Invitation to see something deeper.

  • I’m worried about my children. ~ I love them so much and want them to thrive.

  • I’m worried about this first date. ~ I really like her and I want her to like me.

  • I’m worried about an evaluation. ~ Doing my work well is important to me and I hope that is how I’m perceived.

  • I’m worried about how this speaking gig will go. ~ I want to make a positive impact on people’s lives.

  • I’m worried she’s mad at me. ~ I value our friendship and don’t there to be a conflict between us.

  • I’m worried I can’t get pregnant. ~ I am deeply longing to be a mother to share my love with a child.

  • I’m worried I said the wrong thing. ~ Doing no harm and choosing words carefully really matters to me.

  • I’m worried I don’t have what it takes for this. ~ I really want to grow and learn something new.

Your worries are an invitation inward. Your worries are trying to tell you something. Listen. When you can identify the deeper message, your brain quiets down a notch.

Worry invites you to see what you value, then you can approach it from a place of love instead of fear.

Sending you love and peace,