Fun and Easy?

This is one of my favorite tools in my being-human-toolbox. I’m excited to share it with you because it is a quick brain shifting tool you can use immediately.

First, think of a task you dread. Here’s a list to get you started:

  • Washing dishes

  • Doing laundry

  • Exercising

  • Public speaking

  • Doctor and dentist appointments

  • Waiting in line

  • Waking up early

  • A long commute

  • Social events

  • A yard or home project

When you think about this task, can you notice how you feel a sense of yuck, heaviness, and low motivation? Now, ask yourself:

Could this be fun and easy?

I know this seems ridiculous at first. But, stick with me.

We tend to make things heavy and hard that aren’t really that hard. We begin to imagine how miserable we will be, but actually that is our choice to be miserable. Often, our sense of dread creates thoughts that cause us to suffer through the task. A simple reframe can kick out those negative thoughts and the task is suddenly much less miserable.

Next time you feel dread, stuck, obligated, or frustrated ask yourself if this could be fun and easy. You can feel your brain light up immediately. A spark of hope registers in your brain and your attitude shifts.

You might be rolling your eyes right now in disbelief, but try it out.

Yes, there are things that are never fun and easy - but in that case, alter the question to be, “how could I make this a little easier for myself?” I do this with bill paying because it is never fun. However, listening to music or watching a movie or sitting outside really helps make that not-fun task a little less miserable.

This is a great tool to help us get through the daily tasks of being human. Many things are easier than we think they will be. This is a helpful way to lighten up and not take things so seriously. There is enough big stuff to worry about, let’s make the small stuff more fun!

Here’s to life being more fun and easy,