Your Best Hours

Earlier this year, after multiple days of coming home zapped with fatigue and easily frustrated, my husband lovingly said, "we want your best hours, but you seem to give those away to everyone else." He was right. This was true and I needed to hear it. 

At that time, my energy was great for my clients from nine to five, but then on the drive home, I would start to relax and realize how tired I was. Then I would drag my tired-self through the evening with my family. My most important people were getting my worst hours. 

Who gets your best hours?

Reflect on how you spend your days. Are the people and activities that are most important to you getting your hours of the highest energy, optimism, and creativity?

Spend some time this week noticing where you feel the best energy during the day. During that block of time, devote yourself to something you love. 

If your people are at work or in school during your best hours, then think of ways that you can conserve your energy so you can begin the day and end the day well with them. 

If you have a creative project or something you want to learn, give yourself your best hours to work on it. Make the mundane tasks of life work around your best hours, not steal your best hours. 

If you feel like your days are rigid with work requirements, see if you can open some space in your day to feed your own soul. On a day off, think about what part of the day you will feel the best. Use those hours to do what brings you energy and joy. 

You deserve your best hours. The people you love deserve your best hours. Make some adjustments if you need to. I'll work on it too. 

 “All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.” — J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring

Sending love to you as you enjoy your best hours,