Too Sensitive?

Have you been told you are too sensitive? Did it feel like an insinuation that being sensitive was a problem?

I wish our culture could see sensitivity as a superpower instead of a weakness. I see glimpses of hope that we are becoming a more sensitive species, but I still hear from clients that they feel like this world is a hard place for their sensitive hearts. 

We see many examples of insensitive leaders in our companies, communities, and country. But then think of the Kelce brothers - Jason and Travis model for us that they can be tough football players while also showing emotions during retirement speeches, Super Bowl wins, and when talking about their families. More of that please! 

The research of Dr. Elaine Aron shows that heightened sensitivity is something we are born with. Sensitivity is an inherent quality in all of us, but heightened in some. For all of us, our sensitivities can change as we age and as we experience adversity, but some of us are born with extra awareness and sensitivity to the world around us. She coined the term “Highly Sensitive Person” and has written multiple books on this topic. 

If you are an HSP, then you are extra empathetic, conscientious, spiritual, introspective, intuitive, and aware.

You are also likely to be exhausted from picking up on the energy of everyone around you, overstimulated often, and overwhelmed by awareness of all the pain in the world. 

If you have been told your whole life you are “too sensitive” then you aren’t alone. In the online Compassion Fix Community class we are talking about this topic in April. We took the test yesterday and most of us were are very sensitive beings and it led to a great discussion. You can take the quiz here and see where you rank on sensitivity. 

If this is a topic you would like to explore further, it is not too late to join our online class this month. In the next three weeks, we are exploring the research on sensitivity in our relationships, health, spirituality, and vocations. It is a secret to success to understand how to manage our own sensitivities and how to co-exist with highly sensitive people. 

You aren’t too sensitive, we need you on this planet!

You are gifted, but the world is a crazy place. The arc towards love needs more sensitive humans showing us the way. Let’s open our hearts wider and grow in sensitivity. The world will then become a gentler place to be.

Love begets love,