
Angst is that feeling you get inside when someone is irritating you, something frustrates you, or you feel upset over something that occurred.

Here are some common things that cause us angst:

  • someone cuts you off in traffic

  • the line you are standing in isn’t moving

  • the technology you are using glitches

  • you can’t find what you are looking for

  • your restaurant order is wrong

  • an opinionated person you disagree with

These moments might trigger in us a response of, “[curse word], why does this always happen to me?” Then the angst begins. The event happened, it is now over, yet the angst lingers.

Angst lingers in our minds and bodies long after the moment that triggered the angst. When we focus on angst, it grows.

Angst causes internal suffering and prolonged internal suffering can lead to toxicity in our bodies. We all need to hone our skill of releasing angst so that we aren’t storing toxicity in our cells.

Think about that guy who cut you off in traffic - he’s going ahead about his day, yes driving like an idiot, but he’s not upset about it. His body is free from angst. It is you who is hanging onto the angst. As he drives away, you are stewing. You are giving him the power to ruin your day. You replay and spin on what a jerk-idiot he is. You feel wronged, violated, and attacked. And yet, he drives away carefree.

Who is suffering here?

You. Not him. Let’s stop torturing ourselves by replaying everything wrong in the world. Why would we choose to bring more suffering onto ourselves? Life is hard enough, let’s not pile it on by choosing to add even more angst into our bodies.

The more you can allow things to be as they are, even when you don’t like them, the less angst you will feel inside.

And when we reduce our levels of inner angst, we are less triggered by being wronged. It creates a positive cycle toward inner peace. And more people walking around with inner peace contributes toward a more peaceful world.

This doesn’t mean you become a doormat that others walk on. This is an exercise in helping your brain be less over-reactive in moments of stress. Our brain throws tantrums when we are inconvenienced and can’t control the world around us. But, truly we have an amazing sense of inner strength that can help us through difficult moments if we train it to override the tantrums.

High levels of angst can indicate that you have unmet needs, so dive into that a little deeper if you need to. If you feel like you never get what you want or need, then you might be easily triggered by things not going your way. Love yourself through those moments. You be the one that fulfills your needs, don’t wait for someone else to take care of you. You care for you. The more you care for yourself as you care for everyone else, the less angst you will feel inside.

Less angst, more peace.

Here is to a peaceful week my friends,