Energetic Cords

Both of my teenagers are currently in Scotland acting in a play at the International Fringe Festival. It is the opportunity of a lifetime, but I am missing them. Likely, you also know the experience of being separated from someone we love.

When we are apart from those we love, it is helpful to remember that there are energetic cords that connect us. Though we are on separate continents right now, it has helped me to imagine this energetic cord connecting me to my children. As a mom, I feel helpless and far away, but I can send them love even though there is an ocean between us.

Your love for another person creates an energetic cord that connects your heart to theirs.

If you are separated from someone you love, try this visualization today. Read through it first and then close your eyes, take a deep breath, and imagine this connection.

Bring your beloved person to mind, see them wherever they may be at this moment. Picture a golden glowing cord extending from your heart. See that cord traveling over land and sea until it connects to your loved one’s heart. Now send the energy of love through that cord - see it flowing from your heart to theirs.

When you feel far away or helpless, this visualization can bring you peace and send a gift of loving energy to the person you love.

An energetic cord exists between any two people who have had an emotional connection to one another.

That means that there may be cords no longer serving us. We may need to remove an energetic cord if the relationship is draining our energy. When it feels like a cord is siphoning energy out of you, then it is time to cut that cord. Here is a visualization you can practice to detach from an energetic cord:

Bring to mind the person with whom you wish to release the connection. Imagine a cord connecting the two of you. Picture a pair of scissors cutting through that cord. You might imagine that person now floating away from your life. They are no longer tethered to you. You are free of their energy. Allow them to drift away with gratitude. Repeat this process until it feels like the energy has been released.

You can love someone and cut the energetic cord at the same time. Your love for them remains, but their energy is free of yours. There may be family members or friends who you want in your life, but you need to release the energetic bond between you. After you cut the energetic cord, you will likely notice a more peaceful feeling comes when you are in their presence. You can be with them, but not drained by them.

This may feel woo-woo to you, but humans have explored this phenomenon for thousands of years. Ancient sacred texts, mindfulness teachings, and research in psychology all speak of a feeling of connection to another person beyond explanation. We know this feeling because we have all experienced it. Though, becuase it isn’t somethign we can prove or see, our logical minds create doubt and resistance.

Let your senses feel it and give yourself permission to know it is real. You are still connected to anyone who has touched your heart even when they are far away, estranged, or deceased. If someone you love has died, imagine this golden cord connecting your spirits together. This is a peacegiving practice.

You and I have an energetic connection and I am sending you love.