Make Time for Awe

The University of California Berkeley's Greater Good Science Center has been studying the art and science of awe for over 15 years. I've been following their work and am intrigued that they are proving clinically what we all instinctively know to be true: feeling a sense of awe makes us feel good.

Awe is a positive emotion that’s triggered by the awareness of something larger than one’s self. It’s a complex emotion that’s sometimes not immediately understandable, but can feel similar to wonder, amazement, vastness, reverence, and insignificance. The simplified definition is that awe is what comes from viewing something that’s beyond words or beyond explanation. 

What I’m in awe of is different than what you’re in awe of: it's a personal thing. It can surprise us, too—while we expect to feel awe in the presence of something grand, sometimes it's a tiny thing. Often, no matter what it is, we’re caught off guard and spellbound for a moment.

Think of a time when you felt in awe of something or someone—it might have been when you looked at the stars, or visited the Grand Canyon, or kissed the head of a baby. It might have been seeing a butterfly leave a chrysalis or witnessing a hummingbird's hum, or in the quiet moments watching a sunset.

There is so much peace and joy to be found when you get intentional about making time for awe. By being aware of it, and looking for things that are beyond logic, we can put things into perspective and see things from high above. It gives us “eagle vision”: what you’d see while soaring above the Earth. 

Awe can be a powerful spiritual teacher that helps us see the big picture. When you’re down in the weeds, there’s so much around you that you can’t see. When we zoom out and notice all of the amazing things happening on Earth, we learn to focus on all the good happening around us. By being intentional about seeking awe, we lift ourselves up and give ourselves the chance to take it all in.

Try These

1. Go for an “awe walk”: head outside and focus only on the amazing details of nature. On your walk, you might select a color and watch for things in nature of that color.

2. Practice “awe seeing”: look at yourself and other people through eyes of awe. 

  • Notice the essence, soul, or spirit that resides inside you and every person. 

  • See yourself and others as children who want to be loved and celebrated. 

  • Think about the heartbeat inside your chest. Realize the person you are talking to also has a heart working hard for them inside their body.

  • See a life story in someone's eyes and, when you look in a mirror, see your own life story in your eyes.

  • Notice the scars from life experiences. Consider what this person has survived or experienced.

3. Be in awe of what it means to be human and realize that we share this human experience with every other person on Earth.

4. Take some time throughout the day to notice all the daily miracles around you: 

  • When you wake up: start your day by saying "wow," followed by something positive. Here are some phrases to get you started:

Wow, I get to do _________ today!

Wow, I slept really well!

Wow, I really love my bed! 

Wow, I get to see _______ today! 

Wow, I can't wait to have a cup of coffee! 

  • On your drive: pause while you are traveling to work, school, or elsewhere, look out your window for a minute, and find a “wow” phrase:

Wow, look at the sky today!

Wow, my car is an amazing machine!

Wow, public transportation gets me where I need to be! 

Wow, all of these people are going to work just like me!

Wow, I feel good about _______ today!

  • Evening activities: as you get tired throughout the day, it’s easy to see what's wrong instead of right. But you can change this and restore your energy by focusing on the good things. Here are some phrases to try:

Wow, look at the sunset! 

Wow, I love coming home! 

Wow, my/our dog/cat/etc. gives me unconditional love! 

Wow, I accomplished _______ at work/school today! 

Wow, I love this dinner! 

  • Going to bed: Ending the day with a sense of “Wow” prepares you to fall asleep with positive thoughts:

Wow, this was a good day!

Wow, I am grateful for this bed!

Wow, my body supported and powered me through the day!

Wow, I am hopeful for tomorrow!

Wow, I have family and friends I love!

I’m in Alaska this week on a family trip to celebrate my mom’s birthday and we are checking off visiting her 50th state! I’m spending lots of time in awe at the landscape around us and the people I get to spend this lifetime with. I hope you spend time in awe wherever you are this week.

With so much love and awe,