
Imagine there is a raft in the middle of a lake and you are swimming out to retrieve it. 

As you get closer to it, you see that the raft is moving further away. You realize the waves you create with your swimming are pushing the raft away from you. 

When you stop swimming and float in stillness, the raft drifts toward you. You sense that if you stop chasing the raft and let it come to you, you have a better chance of reaching it. 

Is there anything in your life that feels like you are chasing it and it keeps moving further away?

It might be a person, a goal at work, a longtime desire, health, money, or inner peace. There are so many things in our life that we chase and work hard to get, and yet in the hustle to get there, we actually move it further away. 

Think about some things you have been chasing lately. What if you stopped? 

It is probably hard to trust that the raft will actually float toward you, but every time I have trusted this phenomenon, it actually does work. 

When I give my kids space and stop asking annoying questions, they want to spend more time with me. When I go for a walk instead of down a rabbit hole of research, the best ideas come to mind. When I stop studying God, I actually experience God. When I stop trying to control what people do, my connection with them deepens. When I allow for imperfections, my creativity soars. 

Allow it to come to you this week instead of chasing.  See what you notice when you do that. 

The more peaceful you are, the more you attract what you want to happen. 

The more you surrender and allow, the more likely you are to receive. 

The more you empty your ego, the more authentic abundance you gain. 

It feels like a relief when we decide to stop chasing. Allow it to come to you and trust that it will.

Practicing this with you,