Being at Ease

Happy Fourth of July! This holiday has me thinking about watermelon, lemonade, and spending time with family. As I was thinking of what to write about today, the topic of slowing down and being at ease was on my mind. So, let’s have some discussion about this together today.

When do you feel truly at ease? What does “being at ease” mean to you? 

It is worth exploring what “ease” feels like for you. It is a very individually unique experience to feel at ease - it will be a little different for each of us. 

I asked members of our online Compassion Fix Community class what it meant for them yesterday and here are some things we heard from each other:

  • Finding beauty and enjoyment everyday

  • Accepting life as it is in this moment

  • Knowing that something good is coming next

  • Living life instead of working through a task list

  • Releasing the need to make sure everyone else is okay

  • Waking up with the feeling of “oooh, I wonder what good thing will happen today”

  • Trusting myself that resting is allowed

  • When everything I need to do is done

  • Being okay with the unknown

  • A sense of wellbeing

  • Free from pain

  • Being able to breathe deeply

  • Relaxing in nature

  • Feeling at peace with God

I’m sure you can relate to some things on that list too. Learning to be at ease isn’t easy for many of us. We have to be intentional about it so that our bodies, minds, and souls can have moments at ease. This can be difficult as many of us are uncomfortable with stillness and just being.

Periodically ask yourself, “Who am I beneath my activity?”

When you aren’t active, how does it feel to you? Is your identity tied to what you do and how you perform? Can you release that a bit and trust that in just being, you are enough?

If you live in the United States, this is a holiday week where we pause to recognize our freedoms of living in the US. This time of year typically involves gathering with friends or family, time off of work, and a sense of summer appreciation. It is a good week to think about how easy it is for you to feel at ease. 

Do you give yourself permission to rest? 

What brings you joy? 

When does your heart feel full?

When is your mind quiet?

Who makes you feel loved?

What gives you a sense of pleasure?

What freedom do you most appreciate?

What is the summer season teaching you this year? 

What does it take for you to feel truly at ease?

Many of us have to be reminded that life is about being instead of doing. Spend time this week with the intention of being and see what you notice about how you feel. 

Take a deep breath and just be at ease.

Take a deep breath.

Just be at ease.

Be at ease.
