Good Day?

I will keep it easy for us this week since it is a summer holiday!
This week, every morning, ask yourself:

How can I have a good day today?

Sometimes we forget that we have agency in our lives - the power to choose our actions, thoughts, and perspectives. Life often feels like it is happening to us, and we forget that we are creators of life. We are in the driver's seat of our lives, but it is so easy to feel alone in the backseat because we forget that we have agency.

Agency is a psychological concept that reminds us that we have control more often than we think we do.

The things that make for a good day are different for each of us. This week, see how it feels to begin each day by thinking about what will make for a good day. You might be surprised by how little it takes to have a good day. This daily practice, helps us be intentional about doing the little things that contribute to a good day.

Our good days turn into good weeks and then good months. Make this a good summer.

When you are happy, those around you are inspired to be happy too.
Our country could use a dose of happy kind loving people right now.
Let's be that.

Make today a good day!

Sending love to you.