To-feel List

Before you make a December to-do list, consider how you want to feel this month.

Bring to mind the holiday events, traditions, and activities you have ahead. How do you want to feel during each one?

Do you want to feel peace, joy, adoration, reverence, awe, wonder, silliness, relaxed, light, open, excited, calm, loving, free, creative, engaged, compassionate, authentic, energetic, rested, attentive, grace-filled, strong, spontaneous, brave, cozy, connected…?

This practice helps us to be intentional about truly experiencing the holidays, not just tasking our way through them.

A study done by Consumer Reports found that only 3% of Americans polled said they dread nothing about the holidays. That means 97% of those people dread at least one thing about the holiday season. For some of us, this time of year is filled with joyous gatherings. For others, it brings grief, financial worries, loneliness, stress, and pressure.

As you think about the weeks ahead, consider each activity and set an intention of how you want to feel.

I want to feel __________________ and to make that happen I will ____________________.

This idea was introduced to me by author Suleika Jaouad and she learned of it from illustrator Sky Banyes. Here are some of the things on Suleika’s holiday to-feel list: “I want to feel rested, so I need to allow myself plenty of naps. I want to feel abundant, so I need to practice abundance, which means being generous with whatever I have - tipping my barista a dollar more, being extra thoughtful with my loved ones, extending extra grace to others when any weirdness flares up. Most importantly, I want to feel surrounded by love.”

This is an invitation during our holiday season to be mindful and aware of what really matters. Take a few minutes today to be intentional about naming how you want to feel throughout the weeks ahead. I did this practice yesterday and it shifted my energy from holiday pressure into a more positive holiday spirit.

Let’s make our to-feel lists first, then we will have more clarity as we make our to-do lists.

Sending love to you and your beautiful heart,