Who helped you?

Bring to mind a time in 2024 when you felt lost, unsure, doubting yourself, or suffering. Who helped you? Who showed up for you? Who gave you hope?

Ponder that for a moment. 

Then if you have the time this week, consider your life in blocks (depending on your age, you can do this for each year, chapter, place, or decade.) Who helped you in each segment of your life? Was it a teacher, coach, boss, friend, parent, grandparent, aunt or uncle, mentor, neighbor…so many possibilities of names. 

Consider the people who helped you.

Who taught you something? Who challenged you? Who believed in your potential? Who sat in the pit of despair with you? Who surprised you with kindness? Who inspired you? Who helped you trust yourself? Who reminded you of what you could do? Who showed you the way forward?

When we pause to recognize who has helped us, we are more likely to value the act of helping others. 

Ram Dass, a spiritual teacher and psychologist, was asked in early 1970’s a question about the purpose of our human life, he responded with, “We are all just walking each other home.”  

Sit with that a minute. “We are all just walking each other home.” We are here in this lifetime to help each other journey through life and ultimately find home. Home is open to your interpretation. It could mean a sense of peace, a feeling of safety, a place where you are nurtured and loved, or after our bodies are finished and we return to a spiritual existence.  

We are all walking somewhere together, let’s help each other on the walk.

Reflect on the people who walked beside you in various seasons of your life. How can you be more intentional about being a helper to someone in your life?

Be a helper this holiday season and fill your hearts with love for those who have helped you. 

Walking home with you,