
As you gather with people you love to celebrate sacred holidays, allow yourself to be reminded of the beauty of mystery:

  • It’s a mystery how a menorah burned eight days with no oil. 

  • It’s a mystery how a teenage unwed couple birthed a miraclulous son in a barn.

  • It’s a mystery how many stars are in the sky.

  • It’s a mystery how Santa stops by every home in one night.

  • It’s a mystery how holiday sounds and smells trigger emotions. 

  • It’s a mystery how it all comes together at the last minute. 

  • It’s a mystery why relatives behave the way they do.

We don’t have to have the answers.

We don’t have to know how. We don’t have to figure it all out. We don’t have to explain why they do what they do.

It’s all a mystery. All of it. Life is one big mystery after another. 

Embrace the mystery of it all and breathe a little deeper.

Notice the peace you feel if you don’t have to know. In the not knowing, there can be comfort. It seems illogical, but it is actually a freedom. Not knowing can bring a sense of freedom. We don’t have to analyze, examine, judge, and explain. Just allow it to be a mystery.

Our brain might want answers, but your soul profoundly understands the wisdom of mystery. Listen to your soul and invite your mind to have a silent night. 

Allow the mystery to unfold before you and be in awe of it. 

Let’s embrace awe and mystery together,