Inner Courage


I have had a lot of internal fear show up this week as I relocated my office. The move required a bigger financial investment and a bigger business model of providing more workshops and classes. The self-doubt gremlins have been throwing a party in my brain lately! 

I will tell you more about the move next week, but for this week, I wanted to offer you some reframe ideas. I have been using a lot of these every day!


Inner Courage
When you hear the inner voice of fear, try reframing the thought into an inner voice of courage. Here are some ideas to experiment with:

I won't be successful - - - I give myself permission to try

It will be too much work - - - I will ask for help and enjoy working with others

I will lose money - - - You have proven yourself already, trust money to flow

I'm too old/young for this - - - The choice to start now is mine 

There is no point in trying - - - Life is too short to sit on the bench

It feels overwhelming - - - Taking consistent small steps leads to powerful momentum

I will be judged - - - I will be my authentic self and it will resonate with the right people

Change is scary - - - I am encouraging myself to grow

What if I can't make it work - - - I am showing up for myself each day

I am afraid - - - Other people feel afraid too, this is part of being human

What if this is the wrong decision - - - If it comes from a place of love and caring for others, it can't be wrong

These are helpful reframing phrases when you are facing difficult conversations, new projects, and uncertain times. Fear isolates us, self compassion helps us feel less alone and safe. When we feel connected and safe, we can proceed more peacefully and with greater confidence. 

Growth is exciting and terrifying at the same time. 

The Jewish Talmud (the Talmud is a book of Jewish commentary, law, and ethics) has a beautiful line that I reflect upon often:

Every blade of grass has its angel that bends over it and whispers, ‘Grow, grow.’

We are meant to grow, yet we need to practice inner courage so that we can press on through our fear.

Life is too short to feel stuck in fear. You have an angel whispering "Grow, grow," let's listen and find the courage to grow. 

Sending you love,