The Goldilocks Assessment


Remember the childhood tale of Goldilocks and the Three Bears?

Goldilocks was on a walk in the woods and came upon a house where no one was home. She enters the house (I always thought it weird that a little girl enters an empty house in the woods πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™€οΈ)  and finds three bowls of porridge on the table. She finds one to be "too hot," another to be "too cold," and yet the little bowl of porridge belonging to Little Bear is "just right." Then she tries the chairs, beds, and the pattern continues. While she is sleeping in the littlest bed, the bears come home and then she runs away. The end. 

Who knew Goldilocks would inspire a self-reflection practice?? I'm sending it this week because I like to do this quick assessment every two months. And since we are two months into 2020, it might be a good time to give it a try. 

The Goldilocks Assessment

Periodically, pause and assess what is working and not working in your life. You can organize your assessment into three columns:

  • Too Much

  • Too Little 

  • Just Right

The Too Much list may contain things that you are doing too much of right now - for example: scrolling on your phone, eating unhealthy foods, over drinking, procrastinating, self-criticism, conflict with housemates, doubting yourself, busyness, arguing, driving too fast, work stress.

The Too Little list may contain things that you aren't getting enough of right now - for example: sleep, family time, spiritual practices, home projects, time with friends, nutrition, hydration, exercise, focus, accomplishment, inner peace. 

The Just Right list reflects what is working well in your life right now - this is a place to celebrate feeling content, peaceful, creating helpful habits, accomplishing projects, and healthy relationships. 

This exercise is a good one to do as a family or with roommates. It gives structure to a conversation about what is working for everyone and what adjustments might need to be made. 

You can write this list in a journal or in the notepad app on your phone and then compare it with previous lists every two months. Or, you can just do it mindfully as a thinking and reflecting practice. Either way, take some time this week to assess what is working for you and what you hope to adjust. 

Having you as part of this growing community of readers feels just right! 

Sending you love,