Thought Shopping


We shop for clothes to feel good in.

We shop for groceries to make the food we enjoy.

We shop for new things to boost our spirits.

Do you shop for the thoughts you think?

Did you even know that was an option? I didn't until I was in my forties. And it is life-changing to realize you can choose your thoughts.

According to Deepak Chopra, we think 60,000-80,000 thoughts a day. Some of those just pass through unnoticed and some we hang onto.

When a thought passes through your mind today, notice it and pause to see if you want to hold onto it or let it pass on through.

There are days when I just don't have the energy for worrying thoughts about things way into the future. On those days, if a worrying thought comes up, I literally say to that thought, "not today, I'm not holding on to you today." Guess what happens? It actually floats away. It might show back up later, but I can release it again and again. I don't have to invite it in and give it my time. It was just a thought passing through and there are 79,000 others coming in today. I'm shopping for good ones.

You are not a victim to your thoughts, you are the selector of your thoughts.

Thoughts pass through, we decide which ones we give time to. Try just letting them pass by like clouds. Or let them flow downriver on a gentle stream. Or blow away like snowflakes. They are just passing through. Let them pass. Hold onto only the thoughts you want to spend time with.

Today, when you open the thought closet, choose thoughts that make you feel warm, cozy, and comfy, like a big hug in a soft sweater.

Shop around a bit. You are the chooser of your thoughts. Choose the helpful ones.

Sending you love and warm thoughts,