Meaningful Days


What makes a day meaningful?

It is different for each of us.

What is it that makes a good day a good day for you?

Last week, I was doing some research on the topic of hope and traveled down a rabbit hole of studies on hope in people with terminal illnesses.

Really uplifting hobby I have isn't it?!?!

In that rabbit hole, I found a medical research study (you can read it here) looking at hope in patients and the study used the phrase "meaningful quality of life."

That got me thinking, what is my personal definition of a meaningful quality of life?

What makes a meaningful life is different for each of us.

If a meaningful life is made up of meaningful days, then what makes for a meaningful day?

Think about what makes for a meaningful day for you. Then make sure each day has a dose of that. If we make each day meaningful, then we make our lives meaningful. And when we are living meaningful lives, we inspire others to do the same. It is such a fun opportunity to be alive, let's make it count!

This email today isn't meant to depress you - it is meant to make you a little more intentional about how you live each day. I know it is a heavy topic, but thinking about death reminds me to live. And if we don't pay attention, we miss the opportunity to be fully alive.

What would make today meaningful to you?

Go do that.

Much love,