

In the middle of the United States where I live, we have four distinct seasons of weather - Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer. I have a life goal of living in a place where palm trees thrive but until then...

I appreciate how the change of seasons brings an opportunity for a bit of a reset into our lives four times a year.

In the Northern Hemisphere, September 22 marks the official start of Fall, and December 21 marks the official end of Fall or the beginning of Winter.

What do you picture when you think of each season? Fall makes me think of back-to-school, football, bonfires, sweaters, all things pumpkin, and colorful leaves.

Here are some things you might ponder with the start of each season:

  • What brings me the most joy this season?

  • What do I love to eat this time of year?

  • Which clothing items of this season help me best express who I am?

  • What activities do I want to be sure and do this season?

  • Is there something I want to accomplish during this time?

  • What is this time of year normally like for me? Do I like that way of being, or do I want to do it differently this year?

  • Are there life events for the people I love, or things I want to celebrate, during this time?

  • If I had to select one word to summarize my intention for this season, what would it be?

If you like to look ahead, you can picture your year divided into four seasons and set intentions for each season this year:

  • Fall is September, October, November

  • Winter is December, January, February

  • Spring is March, April, May

  • Summer is June, July, August

Maybe this is a season of activity and the next season is about rest.
Maybe one season brings a deadline for a project and then the next season is about enjoying the results.

I have noticed that I feel more productive and achievement-oriented in the Fall and Spring, but then I like to spend a lot of relaxed time with family and friends in the Winter and Summer. Being aware of this has helped me feel permission to slow down, rest, and restore my soul in the Winter and Summer. Explore how you feel about this way of thinking about your year and make it your own.

Enjoy a refreshing reset to your mindset this season and remember there is always a chance to start again.

Sending you lots of pumpkin-spiced love,


And in case a certain song came to your mind, as it did to mine, here is an original video of the Byrds singing "Turn Turn Turn."