Before That


Is there something you want to do, but can't manage to get accomplished?

Do you notice an unhealthy pattern of self-sabotage in your life?

It might be a goal you have, but you undermine yourself in achieving it. Or, a tendency to procrastinate or avoid tasks you don't enjoy. It might be an unhealthy habit you want to quit. Maybe it is spending too much money or too little money. It might be that you are spending too much time on something or not enough time on something. Do you run late everywhere? Ever lose your temper and hurt someone you love? Are you a chronic people pleaser at the cost of your happiness?

Here is an introspective tool to help you in areas where you notice a tendency to sabotage yourself:

Bring to mind the setting and details of a time when you remember sabotaging yourself or setting yourself up for failure. Picture yourself in this sabotaging moment. What were you feeling? What thoughts were you thinking? What was happening around you?

Now, think about the moment before that. The moment before the moment where you made the decision that led to the sabotage. What was going on around you? What were you feeling? What thoughts were you thinking?

Now, go back to a few moments before that. What was going on around you? What were you feeling? What thoughts were you thinking?

And before that....What was going on around you? What were you feeling? What thoughts were you thinking?

And what about before that?

We begin to sabotage ourselves long before the actual act of sabotage.

This is one way to start to change unhealthy patterns in your life. Take a look back at your decisions along the path of betraying yourself.

You deserve to keep the promises you make to yourself. Awareness of sabotaging tendencies can help you learn to compassionately coach yourself toward success.

Sending you lots of love,