

Jaguar Motors had a slogan in the 1960's that did more than sell cars, it conveyed values that a car buyer could appreciate. The design and elegance of their cars conveyed grace, the extra legroom and large trunk meant plenty of space, and the super charged motor was all about pace, speed, and power. 

This slogan is recorded as one of the greatest in automotive marketing history. To me, these words represent more than a car buying experience. In reverse order, these words have become a tool for me to consider how I am balancing my life, weighing my priorities, and how my behaviors are affecting those around me. 

Pace -  Is my current pace of work and activities sustainable?

Space - Does my schedule have space for the people and things most important to me?

Grace - Am I showing grace toward myself and others?

I tend to fall off the wagon often when it comes to managing my pace, space, and grace. Those that know me well can see it coming and begin warning me that I'm pushing myself too hard. And if I don't listen to the warnings, I tend to get sick and am forced to slow down. 

As summer begins, it is a chance for all of us to consider our pace, space, and grace.

This school year was a great nine months for my family, but we have all agreed that our pace needs to slow down this summer. We need to make more space for family time and soak up the miracles all around us that we miss when we are over tired and maxed out. 

For all of us, it is a healthy practice to periodically reconcile how we are giving our time and energy away. We all know the consequences of stress in our lives and we each have to find a way to check in with ourselves (and those who love us) to make adjustments. When my work consumes me, I am not giving my family the space they deserve in my schedule. When pace and space aren't in-check, then I start showing less grace to those around me. 

If you have a tendency to run hard then crash hard, this practice is made for you! 


1. Pace - Is my current pace too fast, too slow, or working well to achieve my goals while also meeting my needs for thriving health, strong relationships, and a sense of inner peace?

2. Space - Does my schedule allow for space every day to feed my soul, have fun with my favorite people, spend time on projects that make me feel alive, or to be still and quiet? 

3. Grace - Am I too intense right now to be patient with others, to be kind to myself, or to notice the miracles all around me? Am I seeing the goodness of other people, or seeing everything that is wrong with them? Am I feeling connected to a higher power or thinking I can do it all on my own?

I hope this summer you can be intentional about slowing your pace, making space for who and what you love, and increasing the level of grace you show to others....and to yourself too! 

All we have to do this summer is remember to take a deep breathlaugh hard, and share the grace we have been given. 

I am in this with you!! 

Sending you love,