Quick Check


If you are feeling out of sorts right now, you are not alone! 

Here are some things I have heard recently from clients: 

"I feel off track."
"I don't have anything to look forward to."
"I feel like I am walking around in a fog."
"Everything just seems off."

When you notice this type of feeling, a quick check of your baseline needs is important. Create your own list of the 5 things you know you need to do as a baseline to feeling your best. 

Quick Check

When you feel out of sorts and not yourself, do a quick check of these things. Add items of your own to this list and post it somewhere you will see it often. 

Did I get any fresh air today?

Have I been eating nourishing food?

Did I talk to someone I love today?

Am I getting enough quality sleep?

What have I done to move and stretch my body today?

Am I talking to myself kindly?

Am I unfairly comparing myself to someone else?

Do I need to drink more water?

Create your own list as a quick check to remember what helps you feel better.

When you feel overwhelmed, make these things your top priority.

It is easy to feel off track right now, nothing is as it was. Be gentle with yourself as you explore new territory. This quick check is a tool to help you tune into yourself which allows you to sustain clear thinking, loving relationships, self-compassion, and living into your full potential. 

Sending you love and peace,