

As we enter this week of Christmas 2020, I have been thinking a lot about the meaning of life. This year we have experienced a cosmic reset with the pandemic, politics, personal losses, isolation, and much uncertainty.

There are people of many faiths that read this email. Christians, Buddhists, Muslims, and Jewish people are those I know of. I love that about this Compassion Fix community. We are focused on love, not labels.

As some are celebrating the birth of Jesus this week, I invite all of us to consider what birthright means to you. Your very birth constitutes rights and worthiness.

I believe as Chardin taught us, that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. What does having a human experience mean to you?

Ronda Zillner was in my office one day a few months ago, working to untangle the shame she had been carrying in her life...and in a moment of epiphany, she explained to me that she realized she had always understood her birthright. Deep within her soul, she knew she didn't deserve the things that happened to her. She deserved the truth, love, and care. Her birthright as a Child of God was to be loved.

Ronda shared her story with us in this month's class on shame*, and many who listened encouraged her to write a book. Not only has she untangled her shame stories, but she is ready to help others untangle theirs now. She wants everyone to understand their birthright. So, this week, I invite you to think about what you understand to be your birthright.


Merriam-Webster defines birthrights as "a right, privilege, or possession to which a person is entitled by birth."
Take a few moments to consider what birthright means to you. I've added a couple of ideas to help you get started.

By the nature of your existence alone, what is your birthright?

  • To be free.

  • To experience love.

Howard Thurman was an American author, philosopher, theologian, educator, and civil rights leader who said:

"The awareness of being a child of God tends to stabilize the ego and results in a new courage, fearlessness, and power. I have seen it happen again and again."

What would awareness of your birthright empower you to do?

You were born worthy of love, freedom, and respect.

See that when you look at your face in the mirror and see that as you gaze into the eyes of others.

These holidays are hard for many reasons. Be gentle with yourself and those you love. Ask them to be gentle with you as well. Make this a holiday of self-compassion and compassion for others.

With love and a Merry Christmas,


* You can always join us for this month's class and watch the replay videos at your convenience. Go to to learn more.