Designing Your 2022


Social media is full of ideas for how to start your new year. I invite you to browse through the prompts below and select a few that resonate with you. Think about how you want to design your year ahead. Maybe make some notes on paper to help you honor your desires.

This is your "one wild and precious life" as poet Mary Oliver teaches us, so how do you want to live it?

This year I want to feel...

I really hope I can find the courage to...

I would like to ask for help with...

Someone I would like to get to know better is...

I want to make time to __________ because it helps me feel peaceful.

This year I want to quit...

This year I will finally forgive myself for...

I laugh a lot when I __________ so I will do more of that this year.

A gutsy thing I want to do is...

I will grow spiritually by doing...

I want to create...

I want to learn to...

I am grateful and happy that this year will bring me...

I promise myself that I will...

I hope this is your best year yet!

Beaming love, peace, and joy to you,