Compassionate Hands


You spend much of your life doing thoughtful and kind things for others.

Sometimes we forget to show ourselves that same kindness.

Today's practice is a first step in learning to practice self-compassion.

Even if it feels uncomfortable, silly, or ridiculous, do this one anyway. The results are powerful.

Compassionate Hands

  1. Place your hands in front of you.

  2. Consider all that your hands do to show compassion and love. They hold hands, prepare food, drive, send texts, tuck in children, pray for people, fold laundry, clean bathrooms, feed dogs, pet cats, take out the trash, pick up the phone to check on someone, write letters, open doors, and give hugs.

  3. Look at your hands with adoration as loving instruments that show compassion and kindness to others every day.

  4. Now place those loving hands on your heart and take a deep breath.

  5. Say something kind to yourself. Give yourself encouragement. Make a loving statement to yourself. If this seems hard to do, imagine what you would say to a dear friend. Be the friend you are to others, but to yourself this time.

When I do this practice, I place my hands on my heart and say something to myself like this:

Ginger, you are okay.
In this moment, you are fine.
You can do this sweetheart.
You are enough.
God is with you.

I hope you will find phrases that feel true and encouraging to you.

If this is hard, click below to schedule a call and I'll talk you through some variations. If you are struggling with the idea of this one, perhaps you are not used to being kind to yourself. I wasn't either. But, this can be learned and practiced. Now, I find myself doing this simple practice while stressed, driving in heavy traffic, and when I'm full of self-doubt. It is a powerful practice and transformative tool. I want you to learn to be kind to yourself too. And, what I found is that when I became kinder to myself, I grew even kinder toward others.

Love begets love.