

As we continue to spend introspective time in these months of pandemic and protests to spark the changes needed to end systemic racism, many of us are questioning our purpose. 

What am I supposed to do?
Do I have a calling to help others?
Is there something God wants me to do?
How could I serve others and finding meaning in my life?

I have longed for God to answer these questions on a billboard in neon letters so I would be sure to see it along the highway of life. I don't think we will ever see the answer on a billboard. But, I do think there are clues pointing us to the path we are meant to travel.

Let's all give some time to the questions below and see what shows up for each of us. 

Cultivating A Sense of Purpose

Consider these questions as you explore ways to live with a sense of purpose and meaning in your life. The answers to these questions can point towards the contribution you are meant to make to the world in your lifetime. 

  • What breaks my heart in the world right now?

  • What and who do I care about deeply?

  • Who do I want to fight for?

  • What people do I feel drawn to help?

  • What topics do I feel pulled toward?

  • What do I want to learn more about?

  • I dream of....

  • I want to...

For each of us, I believe our purpose every day is to be an instrument of love on the planet. If we are the love in the room everywhere we go, we make a profound contribution with our lives. The word love can be replaced with peace, compassion, kindness, joy, or another word that resonates with the contribution you wish to make.

Find the word that fits best for you and create a simple sentence that you say every morning:

My purpose today is to be an instrument of love.

And then a similar statement every night as you go to sleep:

Thank you for the opportunity to be an instrument of love today. 

This simple practice can be life changing. 

And while you are being an instrument of love, compassion, hope, peace, and joy, you will notice that you feel a sense of purpose and find deeper meaning in your life. 

The world needs many things right now, but as Howard Thurman taught us, "Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”

if we each come alive in using our voices and resources to contribute what we wish to see in the world, that is a pretty great start to living a life well-lived. 

“The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.”
― Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sending you love and peace,