Zero Expectations


Do you know what makes for happy holidays???

Zero expectations!

Drop the expectation that everything will be perfect.
Drop the expectation that they will notice what you hope will be noticed.
Drop the expectation that someone will ask you about the thing you want to be asked about.
Drop the expectation that they will read your mind and know what to do.

This doesn't mean dropping your optimism, hope, and means opening to people as they are in the moment, accepting the situation for what it is, and rolling with what happens as it happens.

If you have zero expectations for how things will go or how people will behave, then you are more likely to avoid disappointment, resentment, and frustration. These are things that steal our joy.

Be the love in the room this holiday season. Everything else will fall into place.

P.S. If you are reading this and thinking, "No Ginger, it won't just fall into place, I have to make it all happen - bake the cookies, buy the gifts, decorate the house, plan the outfits, take the pics, send the cards, keep them happy, make it fun!" - here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Overwhelm comes when we look too far ahead. Dial it back to right here, right now.

  • Ask for help and be specific about what you need.

  • Lower the bar a notch. Then lower it one more.

  • Play music and dance in the kitchen.

  • Focus on connecting with people more than controlling or correcting.

  • Take a deep breath, place your hand on your heart, and say something encouraging to yourself.

  • Good enough is truly good enough.

  • You are actually doing better than you think you are.

  • Be the love in the room.

Sending you peace and joy,