100 Days


We are hearing the phrase "in the first 100 days" a lot lately because we are in the first 100 days of a new administration in the United States.

My son was sharing with me what he learned from his teacher about why the first 100 days for a President are so important. I was fascinated by the background on this and thought I would share it with you.

Roosevelt was the first American President to coin "first 100 days" when he took office in 1933. The nation was in the midst of the Great Depression, banking systems had collapsed, over 25% of the nation was unemployed, hunger was epidemic, and landowners were facing foreclosures. Roosevelt knew he had to be an instrument of hope. The "first 100 days" of his administration gave people hope that things would improve with a new person in charge. This phrase is used today to articulate the immediate priorities of a new administration.

The idea of "first 100 days" got me thinking about how this could apply in our own lives. 100 days is roughly one-third of a year. I like the idea of three planning phases in a year and the idea of a reset button every 100 days. Explore the practice below and see if it brings you any clarity as you look at your year ahead.

100-ish Days at a Time

Consider the year ahead in roughly 100-day increments and it becomes these three groups of 4 months each:

  1. January through April

  2. May through August

  3. September through December

Take some time to consider the questions below for each phase of the year ahead.

  • What do I value most about this phase of the year?

  • How do I want to feel during these four months?

  • Is there something new I would like to explore each season?

  • Are there things I would like to avoid?

  • What one thing will I hope to clarify, create, or accomplish in each phase?

  • A word or theme for me to focus on during these four months might be....

January through April 2021

May through August 2021

September through December 2021

In 2020, our days turned into weeks, then months, and it was easy to lose track of time. The lines between phases blurred because our normal rhythms of school, work, events, vacations, and holidays were disrupted.

2021 may still be a year of limitations, however now we know what it is like to live with a pandemic. We have discovered that we are resilient. We realize that discomfort and disappointment will not destroy us.

As you look ahead, consider how you want to design each phase of your life this year. There are many things outside of our control, but most of the time, the way we choose to feel is within our control.

Think ahead and create a vision. This helps us each hang on to hope.

May we all live with greater intentionality and greater compassion in 2021.

Sending you love,