If You Really Knew Me....


How well do people know you?
How would you finish the phrase, "If you really knew me..."

Are you able to be your true self with the people in your life?
This exercise can be helpful in helping you be more authentic with those you love, it can also help you honor yourself. Use this tool to uncover hopes, dreams, goals, doubts, interests, struggles, frustrations, angers, fears, longings, guilts, regrets, secrets, and disappointments that may be buried deep beneath the protective armor you put on to go out into the world.

Make a list of what comes to mind when you finish this sentence:

If you really knew me, you would know....

Take it a step further with this one:

If you really, really knew me, you would know...

And one more:

If you really, really, really knew me, you would know...

Notice, without judgement, what arises in you as you think about these prompts. You don't have to share it with anyone, just appreciate how deep and complex you are. There is a lot to know about you.

And when you are ready, you might consider sharing some of this with those you trust. Perhaps something on your list might help others feel less alone. Maybe something would help someone suffer a little less or give them hope that they too could survive like you. Or, maybe you return to this list periodically to give yourself the love and admiration you so deserve.

Sending you love and freedom to be the glorious person that you already are,