Why am I here?


This week we continue a three question exploration. 

Who am I?
Why am I here?
How shall I live? 

Last week, we explored the question "Who am I?" Continue to refine your "I am _______" statement as we further explore these existential questions together. 

This week we are exploring the question, "Why am I here?"

Why am I here?
Here are some things to think about as you ponder this question:

What do you love to do?
What can you help with?
What can you contribute?
What can you teach?
Who do you fight for?
What have you been trained to do?
What brings you joy?
What do people come to you for?
What did you struggle with doing? 
What have you overcome?
As a child, what did you pretend?
How do people describe what you do for them?
What do you lose track of time doing?
What do you love to talk about?
What have you suffered from?
What breaks your heart?
What solution do you envision?
What problems can you solve?
Where do you show kindness easily?
For whom do you feel most compassion?

Like last week, you can again place your name in the middle of a blank piece of paper and write the answers to these questions as the thoughts come to you. Allow the thoughts to flow freely without judgment, just observe all of the complexity that makes up You.

Then summarize your findings into a statement similar to one of these:
"I am here to_________."
"I help____________ with ____________ by _____________."
"My purpose is to be a ____________ for/to_____________ so that they___________."

When you wonder why you exist, return to your purpose statement to remember what you feel your purpose is right now. 

Revisit these questions periodically, our purpose continues to evolve as we age and encounter new circumstances. 

Nature is a good place to look for guidance on understanding our purpose. What is the purpose of a tree? What is the purpose of the sun? Everything in nature has a purpose. And, unlike humans, nature doesn't overthink it. It just does what it was made to do. But as humans, we struggle to know what to be, what to do, who to do it with, and where to go. Just by existing, like a tree, like the sun, you serve a purpose. Just be. 

When you don't know what else to be...be love. 

Your first thought in the morning can be "Use me as an instrument of love today." Your last thought of the day can be, "Thank you for using me as an instrument of love today." And in between, show someone some love. Love is a smile, a warm expression, an encouraging conversation, a listening presence, letting someone off the hook, a compliment, sharing enthusiasm, or facilitating a peaceful pause. That's it. Your quandary on purpose is solved. You are an instrument of love. And imagine if we all did that!?!

Sending you love,