Wake Up Happy


I have noticed this winter that I can get into a habit of waking up feeling stress and heaviness for the busy day ahead. On those days, I feel like I want to put my head under the covers and never come out. I love my work, but sometimes first thing in the morning, I forget that I love it and my brain tells me that a hard day lies ahead. I have started doing this little practice before I get out of bed and it seems to be helping, so I wanted to share it with you this week.

When you wake up, before getting out of bed, do these three things:

1. Smile - this sounds silly, but it is powerful! A smile tells your brain that you are safe, everything is going to be okay, and that you feel happy. It seems like it should be the opposite - that smiling is a result of feeling happy - but actually, we can tell our brain what to think and feel. Smiling while you lie in bed is a way of telling your brain this day has the potential to be great. The clinical research on this shows that smiling releases dopamine and serotonin (feel-good hormones) and boosts our immune systems. Here is an article explaining research on the internal effects of smiling.

2. Say "good morning" to your body - this also sounds silly, but trust me, this is a beautiful thing to do! One by one, say good morning to your organs, muscles, and bones. It just takes a few seconds and you can do your own version of this: "good morning brain, good morning heart, hello lungs, good morning liver, good morning kidneys, hello pancreas, good morning muscles, and hello bones." This is not only an appreciative way to help your body start the day, it is a step toward deeply loving yourself and others.

When you appreciate the miraculous function of your own body, you see that every other human is filled with miracles too.

3. Ask for help and set an intention - when I dread my day, often it is because I feel like I have to figure everything out on my own. Remember we have angels, God, and resources we can't even see. This part of my waking-up-happy practice sounds like. God, help me today to be _______. This helps me not only remember my connection to God but also focus on the quality of person I want to be today.

Give it a go right now, and see how you feel! Pause and do these three quick things.

Ahhhh, doesn't that feel better?

Now go have a glorious day my friends!

Beaming love and a smile to you,