Promise Yourself


As we continue to face a global pandemic and confront the deep pain of racism in our county, I think we are all doing a lot of thinking.

Maybe this week, we could each make a promise to ourselves.

A promise to apply what we have learned.  
A promise to become the person we long to become.
A promise to take the action we know in our souls it is time for us to take. 

Intentions move us forward and crafting a promise to yourself is one way to set your intentions. This poem by Christian Larson gives us a feel for what a promise to yourself could become:

Crafting a Promise Statement 

Following the structure of Christian Larson's poem, Promise Yourself, craft your own promise manifesto. Return to it often for guidance. Alter it as life develops. Be intentional about honoring your promise to yourself. 

Finish some or all of these prompting sentences or create your own, but make a promise to yourself and work each day to honor it. 

I promise myself:

To be...

To talk...

To make...

To look at...

To think...

To be enthusiastic about...

To forget...

To wear...

To give...

To feel...

To learn...

To help...

To live...

We are each finding our way through this time. It is shaping and forming us for deeper connection and meaning in the years ahead. Your sense of purpose may be growing within and becoming more clear. You can now step into the person you were created to be. Live into your potential. And promise to never abandon yourself along the way. 

Sending you love and peace,