Cake Days


Did you notice the date yet today?

It is 2/22/22.

And yesterday was 2/21/22 which is a palindrome - it reads forward and backward the same way. 22122 This whole week is full of palindromes!!

And twenty days ago the date was 2/2/22.

And on these two days, the date formed a mathematical equation:
2/11/22 (2*11 = 22)
2/20/22 (2+20=22)

These quirky things bring a little joy into my life. When I notice something special about the date, it reminds me to pay attention to the greater magic all around me.

Years ago, I started posting these "math days" on my Facebook page. With the instruction to "eat cake because today is a magical day." Over time, these posts evolved into what my friends would call "Cake Days." They would remind me of upcoming Cake Days or point out the ones I missed. This became a fun practice of noticing something small and celebrating it together.

Here is my post earlier this month:


And here are some of the comments:

Awesome!! Best yet
I like the way you think!
I've been waiting all day for this post! Cheers!
I love cake days even when I have no cake to eat—just the idea of cake days makes me smile!
We pounded some brownies! A snow day and a cake day!
Love it!
Super idea! Love it!
Do Girl Scout cookies count
Now you have me craving Carrot Cake
If I bake a cake I’ll end up eating a cake. You’ll have to trust I’m eating cake in spirit.

This little quirky thing connected me with these loving people and we shared a moment of fun together that day.

What quirky things bring you joy?

Do the people you love know about this? Are you a little afraid to share it?

At first, I thought people would think I was a weird math geek or judge this as a stupid waste of social media space. I'm not sure why I actually started posting them - I think I did it with the intention that maybe it would bring joy to someone else who liked this kind of thing too. What I have learned from this experience is that the people who love you will celebrate the quirks about you. This little act of sharing something quirky, helped me feel more authentic. It let people into my world a little bit more. And it lets them love me by also noticing what I notice. When someone posts or comments about a Cake Day, I feel seen and loved...still quirky, but also seen and loved.

What makes you smile and makes you feel like a Cake Day in your life?

Spend some time this week noticing the little quirky things that make you smile.

If we are all smiling more, we send ripples of joy out into the world. Those ripples create a contribution to humanity that matters and move us toward a world of joy.

One more thing - today is a day of all twos on a Tuesday - so it is Twosday! So cool!

Eat cake!

Sending you lots of love and joy today and every day,