

What is easy for you to do?

What flows naturally for you?

What are you inherently good at doing?

What excites you?

What lights you up?

The things that come naturally to you are magic to someone else.

This is what makes life so fun and interesting - we are all good at different things.

Spend some time thinking about what comes easy to you. Someone else is amazed by your ability to do that. Someone out there struggles with the very thing that is easy for you.

When we celebrate what we are naturally good at doing, we walk into a room more confident in knowing our unique contribution.

Everyone has something unique to offer - and your magic is what comes most easily to you. It is your superpower of contribution.

Follow the path of easy.

Life doesn't always have to be heavy and hard. Focus on what comes easily to you and do more of that this week.

Think about this a little deeper:
The things that come naturally to you are magic to someone else.

Sending you peace and love,