

Every one of us has quit something - jobs, relationships, books, diets, churches, projects, hobbies, habits, or hairstyles.

I have quit things in each of these categories! For me, knowing when to quit can be a challenge. Often, my fear and the stigma of quitting cause me to stay too long. As I age, time feels like it is going faster, and wasting time is less of an option.

So how do we know if we should invest in something longer...or call it quits?

I hope this concept of diminishing returns will bring you a little more clarity.

Using the Law of Diminishing Returns

In business school, we were taught to always be looking at margins and profit. Are we getting out of this product or service more than we are putting into it? Does revenue exceed cost? Are we making the profit we intended? Which factors will determine additional investment or canceling the project?

While no longer in the business world, I have used this concept in my life decisions. Here is a graph to help me share it with you:


Questions to consider:

  • Are the results I'm seeing worth my effort?

  • Is positive progress still occurring?

  • Is this relationship mutually beneficial?

  • Am I getting more out of it than I am putting in?

  • Do I notice bitterness, frustration, impatience, or resentment creeping in?

  • Is there someone else that would love this more than I am?

  • Is it time for me to walk away?

  • What am I excited about doing instead of this?

  • How can I honor this experience and exit well?

There are definitely things worth enduring and persisting, rather than quitting. And there are times when we don't have the freedom to quit. Each of our quit zones is different. Our tolerances, risk factors, and freedoms are unique to us as individuals.

But, in case you are contemplating a change or growing resentful, I offer this tool to you. Play with it, test it out, make it your own. I hope it helps you find clarity and courage to do what you need to do.

May we all live with greater joy in 2021.
Sending you love,