

The word halt originates from a 16th-century German military command meaning "to stop."

In your best German accent, try saying "HALT!" out loud with authority! 

Well done! 

Now, with that same authority, I want you to practice using this acronym to help you pause when you are upset, out of sorts, snapping at people, or just in general yuck.

Stop yourself and check-in with how you are feeling and what you need at this moment. 

Asking yourself, "Am I hungry, angry, lonely, or tired?" can be a life-saving and life-giving exercise! 

Things are tough right now as a human being, help yourself tune into what you are feeling and use this acronym as a tool in your toolbox of self-awareness. 


When you are feeling "off' or "out of sorts" consider if it could be one of these four contributors. When you are agitated, frustrated, or short-fused check in with these four areas. Before you make a big decision or have a crucial conversation, make sure you have cared for your needs first. Everything is better and goes better when we are aware of H.A.L.T. 

Hunger - Do you have a headache, low energy, or low blood sugar because you need to eat something? It might be time to re-fuel to get through the rest of the day.

You might also be emotionally hungry. Do you need to have a conversation with someone who brings you comfort? Are you bored and hungry for a project? Are you feeling empty and drained? Tune into these feelings and notice what you need to do to nourish yourself.

Anger - Are you stewing on something someone said and it is ruining your whole day? Are you frustrated with something that feels outside of your control and you just keep thinking about it? Are you making yourself angrier with rumination?

Talk out your anger with a safe person. Move your body and burn off the angry energy. Shake like a zebra who just survived an attack. Try to understand the source of your anger and then consider what fear lies beneath the anger. Many times we are angry because we are afraid of something - what we think we are angry about may not be the real problem, it may be that a deeper fear is triggered. 

Loneliness - Loneliness can creep in even when we are around other people. It is an inner feeling of isolation. It can be a feeling of not being included in something, a sense that you are an outsider to a group or a feeling of not belonging.

For some of us, feeling lonely causes us to feel angry rather than sad. We are angry with the people who are leaving us out. Understanding your feelings of loneliness can help you understand why you might be angry with no apparent reason. We all want to be seen, heard, and loved. If we feel lonely, it might be because we aren't feeling seen, heard, and loved. What do you need to do to move toward feeling more connected with someone or something? 

Tiredness - Your brain, heart, and muscles are working all day long to propel you through life. It is understandable if you feel tired. There is a lot going on inside your body and in the world around you, that is exhausting. 

Being tired is not a weakness, it is a signal from your body that rest is needed. Tiredness is our fuel gauge and we must learn to recognize when we need to pause and refill our tank. When you recognize tiredness, try a few minutes of meditation, a quick nap, a brisk walk, or make a plan to go to bed earlier than normal. We can't think clearly when we are overtired. Pause and recharge, our phones do it, we can too. 

So ask yourself, "Am I hungry, angry, lonely, or tired?" 

Easy as that! 

I was first taught this acronym by a client who had learned it in addiction recovery. I don't know the originator of the acronym but it is a great one and I will give credit as soon as I find them! If you are feeling tempted to do something you know isn't good for you, this acronym can help with that too.

Pause and check-in, care for your needs, and then you can make more informed decisions. 

These practices of self-awareness are not selfish, they are serving the people around you too. If your needs are met, then you can be more compassionate, kind, grace-giving, and patient with others.

You actually serve others when you care for yourself. 

Sending you a big hug,