

Today, I invite you to pause for a few minutes and think of individuals whom you admire. 

Who has made an impact upon your life? 
Who inspires you?
Who gives you hope?

Sometimes when we feel stuck or overwhelmed, thinking about who we admire can inspire us and help us to move forward. We might think, 'what would they do in this circumstance?' or 'how did they survive?' or 'what would they advise me to do?'

Bringing to mind someone we admire can give our brain a glimpse of hope, and remind ourselves that what we desire is possible. 

Jot down 3-5 people you admire on a piece of paper, or bring them to mind and think about why you admire them. Pause now and do this practice before you jump to the end of this email, because I'm going to share with you what you can learn about yourself in doing this practice. 

5 People I Admire
Spend a few minutes considering who you admire and why you admire them. They can be living, deceased, fictional, family, or famous. Bring to mind who you look to with admiration and think about why you admire this person. The order of your list does not matter, just write them as you think of them and try to write about 3-5 people. 

1. ____________________
I admire them because:

2. ____________________
I admire them because:

3. ____________________
I admire them because:

4. ____________________
I admire them because:

5. ____________________
I admire them because:

Do you notice any patterns among the traits of these five people?
Are there key words that stand out to you as you review your descriptions above? 
Is there a theme that emerges as you think of who you admire?

Here is the really cool thing....
The people you admire have qualities you have too.

That's right, the people you admire are very similar to you at the core of your being. That is why you admire them. Your subconscious sees the potential of what you can be.  What you admire is often what you long to become. You are already on your way. 

If this is too hard to believe, please reach out to me and we can chat about it for a few minutes. 

The people you admire are mirrors to your soul. Celebrate these parts of yourself that are worthy of admiration. See that you already have the things you seek. You are already on the path by setting your sights on these five people. You can decide to continue toward becoming what they have - the thing that made you write their name down, the feeling you get when you think about them, the thing they've done that you long to do.

You are on your way to it too. 

This is a wonderful activity to do with your family and friends. It can spur great discussions and insights. 

As you move into this new decade, think about becoming someone that you can admire. 

Sending you love,