

Recently, while driving, I missed a turn and my phone navigation system said to me, "rerouting, turn around, take the first available U-turn, turn around, take the first available U-turn." It seemed like it was getting frustrated with me, but I had to drive quite a distance before I could find a place to make a U-turn. 

Making a U-turn got me back on track...the navigation voice became more peaceful and we made it to our destination. 

Sometimes U-turns can help us in relationships too. 

A mindful U-turn is a tool for self-reflection and greater self-awareness. When we have conflict or stress, a U-turn helps us to notice what we may be contributing to the situation.

When we become aware of our role in the circumstance, we can adjust our thinking and behavior to move toward peace. 


In a moment of stress or conflict, look for opportunities to make a U-turn. When we move into self-reflection, we improve our contributions of kindness and we find deeper levels of inner peace. 

When you notice you are stressed - make a U-turn to explore the source of stress. Am I making this more stressful than it needs to be? Is there something I can do to help minimize my own stress level?

When you notice you are blaming someone - make a U-turn to examine your personal responsibility in the matter. Did I do everything I could in this situation to help? Is there something I can do to move toward peace with this person?

When you feel angry - make a U-turn to notice what is triggering your anger. What triggered this response in me? Is there something I am worried about or afraid of? 

When someone is distancing themselves from you - make a U-turn to reflect on your behaviors. Is there something I did that would cause them to question my loyalty? Am I contributing wholeheartedly to our relationship? 

When someone disappoints you - make a U-turn to consider your expectations of this person. Was I expecting them to be something they are not? Are my expectations of this person within reason based on what I know to be true about them? 

After self-reflection, you may still feel stressed, angry, disappointed, or feel that blame is warranted. However, you paused to consider your responsibility in the matter which is our due diligence in maintaining relationships. If you decide you have done everything you can, then you move forward in good faith knowing you paused to examine the circumstance. And, that pause leads us to acceptance and inner peace. 

A U-turn is a tool of self-reflection which builds greater self-awareness which builds greater self-compassion which builds greater compassion for others. All good stuff!

Happy U-turning this week!

Sending you love,