

Barometers, like the one pictured above, measure atmospheric pressure in the environment and help us predict changes in the weather. They allow us to be prepared and know what is coming. 

This week, I invite you to think about your own barometers in life.

Do you have a method for checking in with yourself to prepare for what's coming?
How do you gauge your inner pressures and tension?
What are the signs that the pressure within your mind may lead to a storm?
What dissipates pressure in your life - joy, laughter, a sunny day?
What are your indicators to know when enough is enough? 
How do you know the time is right to take the opportunity? 
Is something in my life an indicator of something else? 

Try this practice of thinking about your own barometers this week. 


Creating barometers in your life is a practice of tuning in to the signals that serve as messengers of internal pressure.

At Home

  • What is working well in our home right now?

  • Are conversations healthy and uplifting in our home?

  • What does the most unhappy person in our home need from me?

  • Are household duties well balanced among the residents?

  • What are the indicators that something needs to be adjusted?

  • Are current schedules life-giving or causing suffering?

  • Do all residents feel seen, heard, and loved in our home?

  • Is there a conversation that needs to occur and how can I help that dialogue get started?

  • What do I need to do to feel more peace at home?

At Work

  • What part of my work do I love doing?

  • Which projects cause me the most stress?

  • Which people trigger tension in me?

  • What would it take to do more of what I love?

  • What needs to happen to reduce tension in my work relationships?

  • What indicators tell me I need to take a break?

  • How will I know when it is time to find a new job?

With Health

  • Are there indicators telling me I'm not paying enough attention to my health?

  • What happens when I don't get enough sleep?

  • How do I know when I need to adjust my nutrition?

  • How do I feel when I drink more water?

  • What good comes from exercise and movement?

  • What pain in my body needs to be noticed and addressed?

  • How do I quiet my racing mind and worried brain?

  • What happens to everyone around me if I don't care for my physical and mental health?

With Soul

  • Is the pace of how I am living right now sustainable?

  • Is my soul fed through my work and relationships?

  • Do I feel aligned with a meaningful purpose?

  • How do I know my work matters?

  • Am I an instrument of peace, encouragement, and compassion to those I am around?

  • Am I living into my potential?

  • Am I becoming someone I admire and respect?

Lots of deep things to think about. But, if we don't pay attention to our inner barometers, then we don't see what's coming and may be devastated by the results. 

I live with a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis, but I am grateful to the barometer it has given to me. I know now, to watch for signs that I'm getting too stressed, overworked, and fatigued. MS a barometer and reminder to pay attention, to see little warning signs, to make adjustments before my immune system over-reacts to its environment. Over the last 17 years, I have learned through a few bad relapses, that if I don't pay attention to the little whispers, it screams to get my attention. 

Life is like that for all of us. We all have barometers if we tune into them. Let's all pay attention to the warning signs before we get the toughest of wakeup calls. 

If this week's practice brings up something you want to talk about, feel free to schedule a free 20 minute phone call and together we can process what you are feeling. 

Sending you love,