Practicing Awe


Living in Awe and Wonder

To get us in the habit of noticing things with awe and wonder, we are going to pause four times throughout our day. Try it this week and see what you notice.

Pause #1 - When You Wake Up
Start your day with a statement of "wow" followed by something positive. Here are some phrases to get you started:
Wow, I get to do _________ today!
Wow, I slept really well!
Wow, I really love my bed! 
Wow, I get to see _______ today! 
Wow, I can't wait to have a warm cup of coffee! 

Pause #2 - On Your Commute to Work/School
This pause comes while you are traveling to work, school, or if you are home for the day, look out your window for this one. 
Wow, look at the sky today!
Wow, my car is an amazing machine!
Wow, public transportation gets me where I need to be! 
Wow, the stoplights are all working and keeping traffic in order!
Wow, all of these people are going to work just like me!
Wow, I'm on time!
Wow, I feel good about _______ today!

Pause #3 - Evening Activities
As you get tired, it is easy to see what's wrong instead of right. But, your energy will be restored by focusing on the good things.
Wow, look at the sunset! 
Wow, I loving coming home! 
Wow, our dog/cat/etc. gives me unconditional love! 
Wow, I accomplished _______ at work/school today! 
Wow, my kids amaze me!
Wow, I love this dinner! 
Wow, I get to take an evening walk!

Pause #4 - Going to Bed
Ending the day with a sense of wow prepares you to fall asleep with positive thoughts. 
Wow, this was a good day!
Wow, I am grateful for this bed!
Wow, my body powered me through the day!
Wow, I saw kindness in humanity today!
Wow, I am hopeful for tomorrow!
Wow, I have family and friends I love!

I know some of you might be reading this with sarcasm, I experienced a little as I typed some of these statements.
But, give this practice a chance and find phrases that ring true to your life. I want you to feel the shift in how this makes you feel. It really is powerful! 

You can turn this into a journaling exercise by keeping a "Wow Journal" by your bed and reflecting on the wow moments throughout your day. This practice of noticing in awe helps you become more aware and grateful of the abundance and goodness all around you. 

Sending you lots of love and awe!