Ego or Soul?


Our society conditions us to live an ego-driven life. We are measured by productivity, possessions, and social status. Most advertisements tell us of something we need to buy, think, or do. We want to be advantaged. We want to win at the game of life. Yet, we also have a deep longing for a sense of inner peace. 

Getting in tune with your soul is like finding a treasure of wisdom, holiness, and deep knowing. Your soul is your essence. The core of who you are. It is the divine connection within you to nature, others, and all that is. 

Your soul is the pure love that lies within you. Nothing that is said to you or done to you can touch your spirit, a pure loving soul. It is the truth of who you are under the layers that our life experiences pile onto us. 

I believe your soul came from God and will return to God when your body is finished with Earth School. (Thank you to author Gary Zukav for teaching us about Earth School.) 

This month, in the Compassion Fix Community we are exploring the question: Who am I at the core of my being?  

We are exploring our identities as souls having a human experience, humans having spiritual experiences, the roommates in our head, how we respond to the world using the Enneagram tool, what lights us up with joy, and who we are becoming. 

Friday we had a group discussion about our souls and I kept thinking about it all weekend. The insights from the community are deep and rich. I'm reminded that an idea always gets better when shared and it so fun in this time of physical distancing to be gathering online to share ideas. 

As I was contemplating what to write about this week, I remembered that one of the first steps in my own spiritual journey was to begin to identify that my ego and soul were different voices within myself.

In my business career, I was often led by ego. Climbing the ladder, performing better than others, making more money to buy more stuff, and worrying about how I was perceived were the main areas of my focus. I was often thinking about how I could get ahead, not how to help others get ahead. I was motivated by making more money for me to gain stuff, not how to share my money with others. These are examples of living an ego-driven life rather than a soul-driven life. 

Use the list below to notice and make some shifts in your own life away from ego and into your soul. When we live in full connection to our soul, we find therein is contentment, calm, connection, and inner peace. 

Ego or Soul

Notice where your motivation, thoughts, words, and actions derive.

Do you notice your ego making the decisions in your life or your soul? 

How could you begin to make little shifts in your life to live more connected to your soul than ego?

If you want to know more about thoughts on the soul, here is a one-hour online course or join the Compassion Fix Community and explore along with kind, like-minded people expanding their awareness. 

Knowing who you truly inside will lead to clarity in your decision making, finding a sense of purpose, and authenticity in your relationships.

When you see yourself as a beautiful soul, you begin to see everyone else as one too. 

This the work we are here to do. 

Sending you love and peace,